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Dental and Gum Problems

Your gums actually attach to the teeth at a lower point than the gum edges that we see. This forms a small space called a sulcus. Food and plaque can get trapped in this space and cause a gum infection or gingivitis.

Plaque is a thin film of bacteria. It constantly forms on the surface of your teeth. As plaque advances, it hardens and becomes tartar. You can develop an infection when plaque extends below the gum line.

Left unchecked, gingivitis can cause the gums to separate from the teeth. This can cause injury to the soft tissue and bone supporting the teeth. The tooth may become loose and unstable. If infection progresses, you may ultimately lose your tooth or need a dentist to remove it.

Use these supplements in combination for ailments related to Dental Gum Problems

Amla Capsules
₹ 185 ₹ 265

Amla Capsules Amla (Emblica officinalis) is a rich source of natural Vitamin C. It helps in impr.....

Calcium Tablets
₹ 250 ₹ 355

Calcium Tablets Vestige Calcium helps in building and maintaining strong and healthy bones. It a.....

DentASSURE Gano Toothpaste
₹ 150 ₹ 215

DentASSURE Gano Toothpaste Dentassure Gano Toothpaste is a quality product of Vestige. It contains.....

DentASSURE Mouth Wash
₹ 175 ₹ 250

DentASSSURE Mouth Wash Dentassure Mouthwash helps to maintain healthy gums and protects against pl.....

DentASSURE Multiaction Toothbrush
₹ 220 ₹ 315

DentASSURE Multiaction Toothbrush * 100% DuPont Bristles* Helps Prevent Dental Plaque* Unique gum .....

DentASSURE Toothpaste
₹ 72 ₹ 105

DentASSURE Toothpaste Vestige Dentassure Toothpaste has a unique anti-gingivitis formula and com.....

DentASSURE Whitening Toothpaste
₹ 125 ₹ 180

DentASSURE Whitening Toothpaste Dentassure Whitening Toothpaste gently polishes the teeth, rem.....

Noni Capsules
₹ 530 ₹ 755

Noni Capsules A tropical evergreen tree native to South East Asia, Noni or Morinda citrifolia i.....

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